Sunday, 9 October 2016

Part 19. Work Less Accomplish More

71 Get out of bed before the rest of the world.
Setting your alarm clock at least an hour earlier then everyone else’s is great for getting you to work early in the morning. Apart from keeping you from showing up late, it allows for some time alone in the office. No phone calls, no one dropping by at your desk and other such things. In other words, you have the office to yourself with virtually no distractions. Quite obviously, this boosts productivity by allowing you to concentrate on the task at hand.

72 Do not drink your stress away.
Lots of people seek relief from stress by drinking, often to excess. While the infrequent drink with friends is fine and a glass of wine with dinner is nice, drinking to get rid of problems causes more problems in itself. Alcohol is not the solution to your work stress, or any stress for that matter. Drinking is at its best when done as a social activity with discipline and moderation, at least in terms of amount consumed.

73 Perform regular maintenance on all tools and equipment.
Whether you work with socket wrenches or on a computer terminal, you should perform regular maintenance. Oil hinges. Dust air inlets and outlets. Wipe down surfaces. Run a defragmenter. Perform full system scans. Create restore points. Check for leaks. Walk around and check if everything’s safe and secure. Whatever it is that you do for a living there is something you can do to maintain good working conditions.

74 Find out if anything’s expired.
This one applies mostly to those who work in food-related or pharmaceutical jobs. Lots of consumables have expiration dates, and if you don’t go through your inventory regularly, you risk leaving expired items on the shelf for buyers to pick out and buy. This can lead to a lot of problems, so it is best to check regularly for expired items and to remove them from the shelves or avoid using them.
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75 Check for discrepancies in inventory.
A regular inventory audit can reveal discrepancies in inventory and reported sales volumes. This can lead to investigations into pilferage, shoplifting, or simply bad accounting. Whatever the result may be, there is always something you can do to make it better.

76 Mix in with the right crowd.
The sad truth is that not everyone works productively. Some just lounge off and get by with the bare minimum. To really help boost your productivity, surround yourself with like-minded people who are really into what they are doing. If you can, work with people who have the same work habits and styles as you do. Laid back people are better off working with the same happy-go-lucky crowd. If you are someone who would rather be serious, find someone else who shares this ideal. This helps sync up your work habits and produces a harmonious relationship with your coworkers.

77 Perform financial audits.
Aside from possibly discovering embezzlement and pilferages, performing regular financial audits enables you to better understand your business’s performance. Productivity is also about making the most of what you have, and you can’t make the most of what you have if some of it goes missing.

78 Find time to exercise.
Regular exercise not only keeps your body fir but your mind sharp as well. You already spend eight hours of your life sitting on a chair on the weekdays. Break this routine on the weekends and start getting up more. No need to build your body here. Just spend one to hours a day at the gym to get your heart pumping and your blood flowing. Exercising on the weekend also helps break the monotony of work and helps get rid of the Monday blues when it is time to work again.
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79 Get some well-deserved R & R.
There is a reason why they say “work hard, play harder.” After a rough week at the office, it is best to pat yourself on the back with some good old rest and recreation. Find time to do something you want like watching the football game or firing up the barbecue. Anything that helps clear your mind for the week ahead is a great thing to do. The main point here is to relax and free yourself from stress and you are going to need it. So put your feet up and unwind until it is time for work again.

80 Get enough sleep.
Staying up all night then going to work the next day is never a good idea. A lack of sleep will most surely decrease your attention span and your ability to concentrate. Of course this is bad news for productivity. So instead of being up all night, do not go past your bed time. It is a bit juvenile but it does help in bringing your brain to work mode the following day. This way, you are not a slave to the coffee machine anymore. Keep your mind fresh and up to the task and you will soon have better output. 

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