Sunday, 9 October 2016

Part 17. Work Less Accomplish More

51 Propagate communiqués
If there are instructions or other information that needs to be communicated to others, then it should be done as soon as possible. If it is your responsibility to do so, then make sure to take care of it right away.

52 Update your agenda or schedules as needed.
When changes occur that will have effects on schedules or your agenda, update your reminders, and if needed, communicate with the concerned parties. Do these as soon as the need arises so you don’t forget to do so. This will help you avoid situations where you forget appointments or you don’t get what you need because it was not requested beforehand, which causes stress and loss of time for everyone involved.

53 Maintain good relationships at work.
Being cordial around officemates is good not only for your productivity but the office as a whole as well. It is no secret that a harmonious relationship among coworkers promotes an efficient work process which is more likely to produce better results. Compare that to an office where a few coworkers are cold towards each other. In such extreme cases, it might even start hostilities among coworkers. Do you get why there is an annual company retreat now? If you are really not the friendly type, at least give your coworkers a smile every now and then.
Work Less Accomplish More

Things To NOT Do During Work
Just like there are things that you should be doing during your work time, there are also things that you must avoid doing. This quite obviously includes things labeled as NSFW, but there’s quite a bite more too.

54 Don’t seek entertainment during your work time.
Unless it is your break time, you should not be doing anything that isn’t part of your work. That means that seeking entertainment, whether online, offline, or on mobile devices, is discouraged as these can interfere with your work. Even if you use them during break time, you risk lowering your productivity should the content get stuck in your head, making you anticipate the next time you can enjoy that entertainment.

55 Don’t distract yourself.
It’s too easy to get lost in all the stuff that’s online, or on your mobile devices, especially if the company you work for is not very strict about the use of the company Internet bandwidth. Sooner or later, you end up looking through LOLcats or following the adventures of webcomic characters – unless of course you have the discipline to stick to what you’re supposed to be doing. Stay focused on your work, and whatever you do, don’t click that mysterious link!

56 Don’t let others distract you.
Sometimes the mystical allure of LOLcats and viral videos comes to our attention through no fault of our own. An officemate might send you the link, or will be viewing it (and laughing like a loon) when you pass by. The point is that sometimes distractions are shown to us by other people, and though it is not their intention to make your productivity drop, it ends up doing so. That’s why you will need to stay on track and avert your eyes. When you’re done with work, then you can amuse yourself to no end, right?

57 Don’t download and install with abandon.
Practice Internet safety to avoid infection. It’s all too easy to abuse the Internet provided by your office. Downloading programs and the like, you’re basically getting them for free. Matters of piracy aside, downloading and installing programs downloaded from less-than-reputable sites can introduce viral infections to your terminal. The effects range from unnoticeable to rapid decline in performance and breakdown. If you use a computer when working and it breaks down, you lose precious time to the required repairs, and worse, you get busted for downloading and installing things that are not contributive to your work.

58 Don’t stream videos or download using the company bandwidth.
If you work in a corporate environment that does not apply bandwidth limitations per terminal, then you shouldn’t stream videos or download material from the Web. Aside from being construable as improper use of company resources, you risk slowing the network down for everyone because of the bandwidth you are consuming.

59 Don’t visit websites other than reference and work- related websites.
Banning any and all unauthorized websites is difficult in practice for companies, so they would rather apply policies by informing the employees. If you’re one such employee, you should follow those policies and not visit unauthorized websites. Leave your online shopping, sports news, or titillating images for when you are at home. Additionally, you should know that some companies monitor the websites you visit via the network nodes, so erasing your browser history usually isn’t of much help. Being caught simply visiting the wrong website can get you fired from your job.

60 Don’t socialize during work.
One of the biggest distractions during work is socializing with coworkers. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this, remember that your main focus should be your job. Any talks with people in the office should be restricted to work-related topics not the latest office gossip. Remember that it does not take a lot to ruin your momentum. If you really want to catch up with your coworkers, do so in your own time. There is always the time after work and the weekend to fulfill all your social needs. 

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